Friday, September 21, 2007

Answering the "Why Don't You Have a Girlfriend?" Question

Hey, if you haven't already heard, this weekend concludes (or this Saturday, depending on where you demarcate your weekends) National Unmarried and Single Americans Week. Oddly enough, National Talk Like A Pirate Day fell on Wednesday of this week. I'm not claiming there's a coincidence, but...

(If you feel that women love tiny dogs, and they love pirates, I give you your must-have dating accessory.)
And beyond that funny little picture, I rambled on for 1,500 words. Hey, it's cheaper than therapy. And apparently reading in bed is sexy. But too many people keep clicking on the penguin picture and not sticking around, so it's hasty edit time.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Reading in bed is sexy.

For realsie.